Rabbit River Angel Food Cake









12 large Rabbit River egg whites
1 ½cups white sugar
¾cup white flour
¾cup corn starch
1 tsp vanilla
¾tsp salt
1 ¾tsp cream of tartar


  • In a large bowl, add egg whites, then sprinkle salt and cream of tartar on top. Set mixture aside.
  • Sift flour, cornstarch and ¾ of a cup of sugar together, three times. Set aside.
  • Whip egg whites until slightly firm but not dry, adding the remaining sugar gradually.
  • Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form.
  • Fold in flour mixture, 2 tablespoons at a time, incorporating fully.
  • Pour into ungreased 10 inch tube pan and back at 375° for 25 to 30 minutes, or until golden brown.
  • Invert cake upside down, and cool completely. Serve with fresh strawberries and whipping cream, or vanilla ice cream.
  • Enjoy!
Copyright 2015 Rabbit River Farms